Tribhuvan University, Office of the Controller of Examination, Balkhu has published the Bachelor of Business Studies (BBS) First (1st) Year Exam Result which was conducted on Ashoj 2080.
Steps to Check Result:
- Go to
- Go to the result section and click on Select Result.
- From the drop-down menu, click on 4-YRS BBS (Regular) 2080.
- Enter your roll number and click on view result.

Official Notice

As per Tribhuvan Univeristy Organization and Educational Administration Rules 2050’s Article 260, 268, and 270, the examinees of examination numbers 701400196 and 700480271 who acted against the dignity of the examination have been suspended for 2 (two) years until 2080. It has been issued that you will not be able to participate in any examination conducted by Tribhuvan University.
Note: The examination results have been published with the aim of making them as pure as possible, however, if they are found to be imprecise due to printing or any other reason, they will be corrected from the records of this office.