Best BSc CSIT Colleges in Nepal, BSc CSIT Colleges in Kathmandu

Are you looking for the finest college to pursue BSc CSIT in Nepal? If so, you are in the proper place. In this article, we have identified the top ten BSc CSIT colleges in Nepal.

There are 45 private colleges and 15 TU constituents in Nepal that offer the BSc CSIT course. Overall, there are 3036 places for BSc CSIT, with 2429 open and 607 Samabesi seats. We are just discussing the college that is associated with Tribhuvan University (TU). To get admitted to any college associated with TU in the CSIT faculty, you must pass the IOST entrance exam, which you can do by studying certain CSIT entrance preparation materials.

One of the most important considerations when selecting a private college is the pricing structure and location. However, in this list, we selected colleges based on their educational excellence rather than their tuition structure. You should also be informed of the college’s prior results, which are openly available on the TU IOST website. Let’s look at the list of the best BSc CSIT colleges in Nepal and provide an overview.

Top BSc CSIT Colleges in Nepal

1. St. Xavier College

St. Xavier College is a very popular college for BSc CSIT in Nepal. It is located in Maitighar, Kathmandu. Many Nepalese students consider it their first choice BSc CSIT college. This college also provides school-level education and a variety of Bachelor’s level courses.

St. Xavier College Logo

Almost every student who is unable to gain admission to a government college should choose this college. To be admitted to St. Xavier College, you must score less than 1000 on the IOST admission exam due to the high level of competition.

2. Amrit Science Campus (ASCOL)

Amrit Science Campus, often known as ASCOL, is one of the greatest BSc CSIT colleges in Nepal. The primary reason for this is the low price structure, as it is a government college. In terms of fees, a four-year course will cost roughly 3 lakhs. Furthermore, it is situated in Lainchaur, Kathmandu.

Amrit Science Campus Logo

There is tough competition to get into this college because most top students opt to study at ASCOL due to its inexpensive tuition. If we look at the 2022 intake, the cutoff point for admission to ASCOL is approximately 65. If you have approximately 65 marks, you will have to wait until the third or fourth merit list.

3. Patan Multiple Campus

After Ascol, most students want to go to Patan Multiple Campus. However, this year’s cutoff mark for Patan Multiple Campus exceeds ASCOL’s. To get into this college, you must be well prepared for the admission exam, which requires a score of roughly 70 out of 100 to get your name on at least the second list. Furthermore, it offers 148 seats for the CSIT program.

Patan Multiple Campus Logo

Patan Multiple Campus is based in Patan Dhoka, Lalitpur. It was founded as “Patan Inter College” on the 17th of Bhadra, 2011BS. It was inaugurated by Mahendra Bir Bikram Shah on Bhadra 31, 2021BS.

4. Madan Bhandari Memorial College

Similarly, Madan Bhandari Memorial College ranks fourth on our list of the finest BSc CSIT colleges in Nepal. This college is located in New Baneshwor, a good location in the Kathmandu Valley. It is a non-profit community institution, making college more accessible for the majority of students.

Madan Bhandari Memorial College Logo

The competition at Madan Bhandari Memorial College is not as fierce as at St. Xavier College, ASCOL, or Patan, but you must score about 1200 on the entrance exam to be included on the first merit list.

5. Bhaktapur Multiple Campus

Bhaktapur Multiple Campus is another government college. It means that the fee structure for BSc CSIT on this campus is nearly half of that of private colleges, if not more. Although it is not as well-known as the other two government colleges mentioned above, it is gaining popularity among students due to its low cost.

Bhaktapur Multiple Campus Logo

Bhaktapur Multiple Campus has half the capacity of the Patan Campus, accepting only 74 new CSIT students each year. The college is located on Nagarkot Road in Bhaktapur.

6. Birendra Multiple Campus

Birendra Multiple Campus is based in Bharatpur, Chitwan. It is one of Nepal’s government colleges that offers a BSc. CSIT course. This college is the first choice for practically every student in Chitwan and the surrounding district. As a government college, the tuition is low while providing high-quality education.

Birendra Multiple Campus Logo

That being said, admission to this college is not simple, as over 500 Chitwan kids fill out priority forms, and there are only 74 seats available. This year’s cutoff for this college was about 57, so use that as a reference.

7. Prithvi Narayan Campus

For students in Pokhara, the Prithvi Narayan Campus could be a possibility. Like other government institutions, its price structure is quite reasonable, costing less than 4 lakhs for 8 semesters. It is located on Bhim Kali Patan Marga 1 in Pokhara and is one of the few CSIT colleges there.

Prithvi Narayan Campus Logo

Although it is a government institution, there is no fierce competition as at ASCOL, Patan, Bhaktapur, or Birendra. This year, the college introduced a first-come, first-served admissions system. However, you will have to wait a long time. To be safe, aim for a 55 entrance score for a sure shot at admittance.

8. Prime College

Prime College is next on our list of Nepal’s best BSc CSIT colleges. It is also a private college situated in Nayabazar, Kathmandu. If you score above 50 on the IOST exam, you will be able to easily enroll in this college.

Prime College Logo

We’re offering these cutout marks based on the 2078 merit lists from various colleges. Prime College is regarded as one of the most economical private colleges for CSIT, with a four-year semester cost of roughly NPR 8-10 lakhs.

9. New Summit College

New Summit is the next college on our list of Nepal’s top BSc CSIT colleges. It is also situated at Santinagar, Baneshwor, and Kathmandu. This college is slightly better managed than the previous one, as well as more inexpensive.

New Summit College Logo

Taking the 2022 intake as a reference, IOST entrance-passed applicants can be admitted to this college. You should not rush your college decision, like I did. You can wait until the third merit list, as most students fill out priority forms for many universities.

10. Sagarmatha College of Science and Technology

If you are from Lalitpur, Sagarmatha College of Science and Technology is the best private college for you. However, if you are not, you might consider studying at this college because it provides a high-quality education and produces good results. The only thing I disliked about this college was the fee structure. This four-year course costs more than ten lakhs, making it slightly more expensive than the other universities on the list.

Sagarmatha College of Science and Technology Logo

This college, like the others described above, is quite easy to get into. To enter into this college, you only need to pass the TU IOST entrance exams.

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Summary: Best BSc. CSIT Colleges in Nepal

S.NBest BSc. CSIT College in NepalLocation
1St. Xavier CollegeMaitighar, Kathmandu
2Amrit Science CampusLainchaur, Kathmandu
3Patan Multiple CampusPatan Dhoka, Lalitpur
4Madan Bhandari Memorial CollegeNew Baneshwor, Kathmandu
5Bhaktapur Multiple CampusNagarkot Road, Bhaktapur
6Birendra Multiple CampusBharatpur, Chitwan
7Prithvi Narayan CampusBhim Kali Patan Marga 1, Pokhara
8Prime CollegeNayabazar, Kathmandu
9New Summit CollegeBaneshwor, Kathmandu
10Sagarmatha Engineering CollegeSanepa, Lalitpur

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